Monday, August 14, 2023

Just Be Competent

DemocRATS controlled the city of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana during Hurricane Katrina, Though they failed utterly at the local level, they were able to pass the blame up to a Republican (President Bush) to absolve themselves and their party and put the blame on the one part of government least culpable for all the failures. The press will not pass the buck up to Biden for the carnage that just happened in the DemocRAT-controlled state of Hawaii on DemocRAT-controlled Maui. That would not serve the agenda the way smearing Bush did back in 2005. Not every Republican is capable and trustworthy, but time after time, DemocRAT leaders show they are incompetent, and it leads to deaths that should have been prevented, as in Hurricane Katrina, the Afghanistan withdrawal, and now the horror in Hawaii. 

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