Monday, April 17, 2023

Angry Ex Bill

Tennessee's Governor Bill Lee, who is a Republican, is pushing a so-called "Red Flag Law"under a different name to subvert Second Amendment rights. He is caving to the demands of empty-headed teens, many of whom "protested" to ditch school and flat-out Marxists who are demanding this. The proposed law will encourage aggrieved former wives, neighbors with an ax to grind, or anyone who resents you, to call you a "danger", and just like that with no chance to give your side of the case, the authorities to come in and confiscate your heretofore legally owned guns and strip your right to own firearms in the future. The DemocRAT Party is corrupt and against America from the Founding. The GOP is weak and does not hold to principles. In too many cases, Republicans bend to the wind. Gun rights are natural rights for free people. 

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