Friday, March 5, 2021

Bringing Us Zimbabwe

We are about to spend just under two trillion dollars of fiat currency under the guise of fighting COVID to prop up free-spending DemocRAT-run states and cities, labor unions, and underfunded pension plans with very little actually going to fight the Coronavirus or help individuals and small businesses harmed by the pandemic or (as is more often the case) the government-imposed lockdowns. This expenditure is essentially being made to buoy political prospects of DemocRATS now and in the future by only helping their constituencies at the expense of everyone else. Even those they are trying to aid will suffer in the long-term as the dollars value is diminished by the inflation that is sure to follow such capricious, misdirected, and unnecessary spending. This is a bill designed to break America being disguised as a hand-up from our friends in Washington.

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