Sunday, July 12, 2020

Talking Pro Football

I do not know how the NFL can continue to prosper with so many of the athletes criticizing the fan base for their "white privilege", when the players make in a single season what most of their fans are able to accumulate in a lifetime. It seems in this case that the pot is calling the kettle white. Add to that games played with diminished crowds if any spectators are admitted in at all due to COVID, and people with any sense being reluctant to gather in large groups during this plague, and you have lost a lot of the allure of the game. If the games are played, I am sure the League will try to put on a TV extravaganza, but throw in a giant divisive in your face to those who might otherwise watch by playing the "Black National Anthem", and the TV audience will likely evaporate. Anyway, I am done with watching overpaid and entitled race-baiters and Jew haters and will seek my entertainment somewhere else.

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