Friday, July 31, 2020
Biding Our Time
The normal, decent, patriotic law-abiding people of America can not wait for November. We want to vote in person, because we recognize the susceptibility of fraud in vote by mail. We know the virus is real and never doubted it but fix the blame on the real culprit Red China, not on President Trump who has been serious about fighting it since day one. He instituted travel bans from COVID hotspots before any other nation. Trump has been optimistic because that is his nature but he has fought the virus as hard as any national leader. We have a candidate who is utterly corrupt and in his dotage. We have a President who is fighting for us versus the shining star of Burisma (Ukraine corruption)and Bohai Harvest RST (Hunter Biden's Red China partner in scandal).
Thursday, July 30, 2020
A Giant Passes
An inspiration and hero has died. He happened to be black. He was a rescuer of businesses and an evangelist for capitalism. His name was Herman Cain and he will be sorely missed.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
New Newtonian Physics
In our brave new world, the apple just lingers there, if that is what some oppressed minority wants. Two plus two no longer equals four because that would be white privilege. The rights of the individual mean absolutely nothing because the fear mongers have succeeded in riling up the masses. In some places they have even mandated wearing a mask in your own home. How will they know who is complying?
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
The Crime Epidemic
Has anyone noticed a surge in crime, even murder, in the cities with the most gun control, some of which are now defunding their police departments? Just look at New York City, where the undercover police unit was disbanded. Murders are through the roof. Look at Chicago, where it is next to impossible for the law-abiding to conceal and carry. Every weekend is a bloodbath. The rioting is worse in the "defund" cities as well. The surge in crime is the only possible consequence of disarming the law-abiding and defunding law enforcement.
Monday, July 27, 2020
The Golden Egg
Professional athletes must by in large be oblivious to the consequences of their own actions. With many parts of the nation under lock down, millions are out of work and thousands of businesses have been forced to close permanently. Folks worried about survival are very unlikely to pay big money to watch others being paid millions to play a child's game. Add to that that a bunch of big-mouthed sport stars are demanding their own fans examine their "white privilege" and kneeling during our national anthem. Many now former fans served in the US military or had relatives serve or even die in uniform. I believe the truly privileged ones are the athletes being vastly overpaid, who do not realize that they are drying up their own viewer pool and with that, the revenue the teams need to continue paying them their huge salaries.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Not Peaceful Protesters
The dinosaur press characterize the chaos on our streets as "peaceful demonstrations". I have never thought throwing a brick was a particularly peaceful act. I do not think blocking traffic and banging on vehicles is peaceful, particularly after seeing a motorist shot in one of those peaceful protests in Utah. Witnessing all that looting does not seem that tranquil either, but what do I know, I only have my eyes to see after all.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Only the Facts
President Trump is the last barrier to chaos in our streets. Some urban areas are in flames already. but all will be if Joe Biden defeats our President. Biden endorses the objectives of the Marxist of Black Lives Matter and the street thugs of ANTIFA. Those objectives can not be separated from the tactics of the mob attempting to implement them; therefore, Biden accepts the street violence roiling America. President Trump represents law and a return to order, while the former Vice President embraces anarchy.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Mask of Lies
We have a Democrat Party that has carried out an impeachment based on the whole cloth Russia hoax. They have mounted a soft coup along with the Deep State and their compliant media. Do you not think they will do all they are able to cheat their way to victory in the November elections?
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Masking the Truth
I watched some Cambridge epidemiologists declaring that non-medical masks and even N95 masks are useless to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 and that the use of masks could actually harm the wearer. I heard after the Philippine government mandated masks that the rate of infection went up. No politician wants to appear as useless as far too many are, so many have ordered the use of masks to make it seem they are doing something, when what they are doing may well make the situation worse.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
The Depression Clock
If it looks like Trump will lose, US markets will suffer a catastrophic sell-off. We are talking a 1929 crash here. Equities will plunge like a rock. We can call this the "Biden Effect", with the senile socialist at the helm.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Feast or Famine
We have a great prospect of economic recovery with a Trump reelection. If Biden is elected, the imposition of socialism will by necessity preclude any revival of the American economy. You show me where people thrive under socialism, that place called Fantasyland.
Monday, July 20, 2020
Stove Not Fireproof
Even the best range can ignite if the user is careless. Always be sure to clean off any grease or cooking oil near your burners. You do not want to meet your local fire brigade by accident.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
House on Fire
If any of my devoted readers notice that this post appears later than usual, there is a fair reason. My mother set her kitchen on fire this morning. Two different firehouses responded and most everything, and more importantly everybody including our dog fellows are okay. We lost a range, a microwave, a refrigerator handle, had some floor damage, and some kitchen goods that burned, but beyond that, are unscathed. We are very lucky.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Not Worth Much
As I understand the science, the COVID-19 virus is smaller than the pores of ordinary masks. That is why medical researchers who work on the virus wear full protective suits as was pictured in the post "What Stops Coronavirus" immediately proceeding this one. These are one time use suits that cover everything head to toe and are discarded and destroyed after lab work on COVID-19. They cost up in the hundreds of dollars each. Even with this precaution, there is sometimes a defect in the suit or human error that causes trained professionals exposure. Obviously, laymen can not afford and do not know the proper deployment of personal protective equipment of the type that would largely block the virus. The non-medical masks many are wearing do absolutely nothing to slow the spread of the Novel Coronavirus, but may instill false confidence in the wearer that they are somehow protected when they are not.
Friday, July 17, 2020
Chaos and Brutality
Joe Biden has never been known for his iron spine. Biden will appease America's enemies abroad and yield to the mob on the streets of the United States. Biden was never one of the great thinkers of the Democrat Party like Daniel Patrick Moynihan or Adlai Stevenson. Now with his faculties obviously diminished, Biden literally can not form new ideas or shape the direction of the country or even contribute substantively to the debate. Biden can still read a bit off the teleprompter, but not with either passion or consistency. At his brightest, Biden would not have been the right choice to take on Red China, anarchy on America's streets, or COVID-19. President Trump is not perfect, but at least his mind is still sharp, and he has the will to defeat our adversaries abroad and restore calm to our cities.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Mom's Suggested Post
I agree with my mother, who suggested this topic yesterday while celebrating her birthday, that if we have trouble credibly counting COVID cases and deaths from the virus as is apparent with a 100% positive test rate in eighteen labs in Florida and with allegations that during the peak of the crisis in New York that nursing home deaths from it were deliberately understated, how do we think we can accurately tabulate more than one hundred twenty million ballots nationwide if vote-by-mail actually takes place. The potential for vote fraud is glaring, just as it was in inflating numbers to garner more Coronavirus funds, lowering real COVID fatality numbers to diminish blame in some instances (see New York nursing home deaths), or just manipulating virus numbers to hurt the Trump reelection effort. Folks that play with literal life and death numbers like that would have every incentive to and no problem with ballot harvesting plenty of Biden votes from dead or non-existent voters and shredding real paper votes cast for Trump. There is no way vote-by-mail can be handled honestly in this political cycle.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
The Profiteering Alarmists
I watched local media in Nashville, Tennessee hyping the number of COVID-19 infections reported yesterday as the highest ever in my hometown (nearly 800). As an aside, they briefly mentioned two deaths here on Tuesday. More people died in vehicle crashes yesterday in Tennessee, yet nobody (nobody sane at least) is advocating a prohibition on cars. The Novel Coronavirus is a no doubt a terrible disease that has killed too many, but blaring out "worst day ever in Nashville" when only two people died is deliberate manipulation meant to draw eyes to the screen. The media has poured gasoline on the COVID fire to accomplish two ends: 1.)To draw viewers with numbers meant to terrify rather than inform. 2.)The mainstream press is using the Coronavirus to undermine Donald Trump and ensure his defeat and that of Republican politicians who support the President in the coming November elections. COVID-19 is very real, and President Trump has done as much as any leader in the world to try to protect citizens of his country from it. Don't buy the hype, learn the facts and protect yourself and those you love accordingly.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
"All Lives Matter"
A beautiful young mother was murdered in Indiana for having the temerity to utter, "All Lives Matter", a sentiment with which I agree. No live is more or less precious than the next. Jessica Doty Whitaker loved everybody and felt everyone deserved a chance. At twenty-four with a three year old son, her life was stolen from her, because she spoke a universal truth about innocent life. I hope those guilty of killing her are quickly apprehended and never see the light of day again as free men.
Monday, July 13, 2020
Catch and Release
I do not think Roger Stone is another John Dillinger. I think the only reason he was investigated and prosecuted was his association with Donald Trump. I think it was absolutely appropriate for the President to commute Stone's sentence in what was an entirely political prosecution.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Talking Pro Football
I do not know how the NFL can continue to prosper with so many of the athletes criticizing the fan base for their "white privilege", when the players make in a single season what most of their fans are able to accumulate in a lifetime. It seems in this case that the pot is calling the kettle white. Add to that games played with diminished crowds if any spectators are admitted in at all due to COVID, and people with any sense being reluctant to gather in large groups during this plague, and you have lost a lot of the allure of the game. If the games are played, I am sure the League will try to put on a TV extravaganza, but throw in a giant divisive in your face to those who might otherwise watch by playing the "Black National Anthem", and the TV audience will likely evaporate. Anyway, I am done with watching overpaid and entitled race-baiters and Jew haters and will seek my entertainment somewhere else.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Hero or Villain
No person to my knowledge has ever endured the scrutiny and demonization Donald Trump has. Under this relentless attack, it is miraculous that Trump has been able to accomplish anything, yet before COVID, the President had revived the US economy and brought it to heights hitherto unseen. Trump is not perfect, and he may be anathema to you, but he is a hero to me for overcoming the withering assault and trying to improve the lot of everyday Americans.
Friday, July 10, 2020
The Big Catch
After yesterday's ruling of the US Supreme Court, partisan prosecutors are now free to harass US Presidents from the opposing party. They are at liberty to make the President's job of governing impossible. There seem to be few Republican prosecutors, so when (if) Biden wins, he may have little to worry about, but if there is ever a GOP President in the future, Democrat district attorneys will unleash hell with frivolous prosecutions that will occupy all the next Republican President's time and energy.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Their Fishing Expedition
Lavrentiy Beria is reported to have declared:'Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime" as he tortured and murdered to ferret out almost entirely imaginary spies and counterrevolutionaries in Stalin's Russia. This same ethos, which is entirely unfair and completely un-American, is being employed against Donald Trump. The deep state has relentlessly tried to remove our President, and the decisions of the US Supreme Court today against Trump further this campaign of harassment. No US President has ever had to govern in the teeth of such a coup, but somehow Trump continues to fight through to do good for the American people.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
The Holy Land
Before any other faith group that exists today was on the land, Jews controlled the territory they are set to "annex". "Annex" is a loaded word, I would say reclaim as it was Jewish land before Christianity or Islam ever existed. If you do not think so, read your Bible and look at all the archaeological evidence ever discovered on the disputed land. As a Jew, I must say we can not take what was ours for more than two thousand years.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Invitation to Bloodshed
When Leftist ne'er-do-wells block streets, the people they are impeding do not know their intentions. The motorists have likely seen videos going back to Reginald Denny of folks being dragged from their vehicles and beaten to a pulp. They may also have watched the recent shooting in Provo, Utah of people simply trying to drive home and then being waylaid by the mob. If the blocking of streets and highways keeps happening, a driver who is in fear of his life from the thugs is either going to run over or shoot a lot of protesters.
Monday, July 6, 2020
Cause Versus Effect
Of late, Confederates who fought the Civil War in the United States have been demonized. Some facts: 1.)The vast majority of whites living in the Southern states at the start of the Civil War owned no slaves. 2.)Most Confederate soldiers never owned a single slave although Union General Ulysses S. Grant did at one time own a slave. 3.)Lincoln himself in his letter to Horace Greeley in 1862 declared, "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that." Preservation of the Union, not ending the peculiar (and odious) practice of slavery was not Lincoln's primary objective. 4.)The Emancipation Proclamation was not issued until 1863, almost two full years into the war and cynically only freed slaves in states under Confederate control (that is where Union forces had no power to enforce it). 5.)Slavery was still practiced in other parts of the Americas with Brazil not abolishing it until 1888, but no other nation endured a civil war to end slavery except the United States. In all likelihood, slavery would have ultimately ended in America without the conflict ever taking place. Were the Confederates as bad or worse than Nazis? No, for most Confederate soldiers, the fight was to defend home and family and had nothing to do with slaves that most Southerners never owned. These men were not wealthy, not oppressors, and not the ones who started the fight, and they should not have their reputations sullied so many generations after the American Civil War. Federal forces did not embark on the war to free the slaves, but thankfully, the effect of winning was to secure their manumission.
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Trump Fights Back
President Trump has been widely criticized for some of his "Tweets". Almost all media lie about the President. Trump used Twitter to defend himself from these attacks. Trump has not picked fights with anyone, but he has responded to those who malign him. Now, Trump is standing up for the nation as it was founded.
Saturday, July 4, 2020
Trump's Last Stand
President Trump gave an inspiring speech last night not far from where Custer met his fate (the Little Bighorn) at Mount Rushmore. If Trump loses, America as it was founded will be a thing of the past. If this is President Trump's last stand, it will also be the last stand for the United States and human liberty. You should cherish your freedom on this Independence Day, but realize that you may soon have to fight for it.
Friday, July 3, 2020
How Deeply Entrenched
America once had war-winning generals like Pershing, Patton, and Eisenhower. Somewhere along the line, the United States was saddled with political generals, much more interested in career advancement than defeating our enemies. These are generals like Mattis, Kelly, and whoever the nincompoop is who walked with Trump to the church across from the White House and then chastised the President for bringing him along. These military men could not defeat atavistic butchers in Afghanistan but have no problem calling out their Commander in Chief. The military had plenty of war fighters prior to the Tailhook scandal but started weeding them out after that. You could not have unabashed Alphas leading us to any victory. Add Blackhawk Down where Bill Clinton and Les Aspin did not want to deploy heavy weapons so as not to appear too threatening to Somalis, and left our forces under protected. Toss on the fact that Bill Clinton had legal justification and could have killed Osama bin Laden and spared America September 11 but held fire, and never forget Americans left to die in Benghazi by Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton with real combat soldiers champing at the bit to go protect their fellow Americans but being denied the opportunity to do so. We have senior military commanders who are fully politicized enemies of President Trump and few capable of defeating a foreign adversary in the highest ranks. American soldiers have been held back from victory and had their morale sapped since winning World War II and while the lower ranks are as fierce as ever, the officer class right up through the admirals and generals constrains the forces instead of leading them to victory. It seems the only entity that many flag officers are determined to bring down is Donald Trump.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Defund the Police
When someone breaks into your house at midnight, you will be so glad the cops are no longer available for you to call and even more thankful the Second Amendment has been overturned. You would much rather see your wife and daughters raped than shed blood. If you survive, you will thank a Democrat. You will love the reparations stripped from you to be given to those you never oppressed or enslaved as well. Remember to thank a Democrat and kiss the feet of your new masters.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Down with Whites
Some in the West are actually declaring "white lives don't matter". Are these agitators calling for Caucasians to be murdered or just dispossessed? I do not think I will take chances with the safety of my daughter and mother against this threat. I think saying any lives "don't matter" is an invitation to violence. The violent mob means just what they say and we must be ready to stave off their attacks.
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