Friday, March 20, 2020

New Corona Order

The other day I filled all my Mom's prescriptions for ninety days since I do not know when or how long we might be on lock down. A young daycare teacher, wearing a body-hugging unitard, cut in front of me and an elderly couple in the line at our grocery pharmacy. She had a large shopping bag/purse over one shoulder. She swung her bag back and it brushed my groceries that I had already purchased through self-check. She turned toward me and glowered, demanding to know if I had ever heard of "social distancing". I ignored her question. She proceeded to the pharmacist and was making banter with him that her daycare almost did not open because they could not find hand sanitizer or soap. She was anxious to fill her entire birth control prescription so she could "get her freak on". Unfortunately for her, they did not have her full battery of the Pill and sent her on her way to another pharmacy. I was able to stock up on mother's life-sustaining drugs. I sure hope that little "lady" (and I use the term advisedly) was able to secure all the birth control she needs, because it will be bad for humanity if she ever reproduces.

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