Monday, December 10, 2018

Staying on Track

President Trump was doing everything right for the US economy despite strong headwinds from the Left and all its components including the Democrat Party and the mainstream media, those Republicans who are "never Trump", and the entrenched swamp dwellers across the board who may be from either party or neither, but who find their suckling at the teat of government highly profitable. Trump was lowering taxes and diminishing Federal regulation to breathe life back into the private sector. Even his own Fed rebelled against Trump by raising interest rates. Still, our President pulled forward, but now with Democrats about to take control of the US House, even Trump's magnificent efforts may not be enough. Those who oppose Donald Trump are willing to crash the entire economy just to see that President Trump does not remain in office. Trump's opponents may indeed succeed, but the toll of their actions are harming the nation and may well weaken America beyond saving.

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