Monday, December 5, 2011

Pondering Nashville's "Homeless"

I have nothing but empathy for those with some real physical or mental disability that actually precludes work and for those who have made every effort to find a job but in the Obama economy could not and nothing but contempt for those who could find gainful employment but opt to become parasites on society. In my life I have had various and sundry interaction with the supposedly dispossessed in my hometown. I recently saw an older black man sitting at a gas station in an old "airborne" uniform with an old GI duffel bag and a piece of cardboard on which "Atlanta" was written in red ink. He did not engage me and asked me for nothing. Of my own volition, I handed him a five dollar bill. On an occasion many years ago, I left a downtown restaurant to find myself surrounded by several young black men who prevented me from entering my car. They asked for money and feeling "compelled", I gave them some. These youth claimed to have been staying at the "Mission", so I had to conclude they were homeless. Also, years ago I was mugged when I was still young by a thirty-five (or so) year old white man who threatened me with what he claimed was an "AIDS" needle. I was more recently dining downtown where hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent over the years on so-called urban renewal and three million dollars had been spent refurbishing an old performance venue into a shining new eatery. A vagrant attempted to impose a dining tax because I had the temerity to leave the confines of my own house. A nasty confrontation ensued. I have come to find out that the "homeless" are now a protected class. No society can long endure in a situation where the dole dweller has more rights than the earner and the parasite is legally-protected in imposing his will on the host.

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