Monday, November 14, 2011

Hearing the Supremes

Diana Ross will not hear the case for Obama Care but the Supremes will- the Supreme Court that is. This will be the most significant issue that the highest US court will decide upon since Roe. Depending on the construction of the decision, we will either live fully under socialism, with government dictating our medical destiny- our very lives- or remain the Republic our Founders envisaged with the people retaining a greater degree of self-determination. The stakes literally could not be higher than life in freedom or rationed care death. Disturbingly, the Supreme Court is infested with four doctrinaire Leftists (the two Obama appointees, Kagan, and "Soviet"Sotomayor, former ACLU Counsel "Gams" Ginsberg, and foreign law enthusiast Stephen Breyer). There are four reasonable jurists, Alito, Thomas, Scalia, and Chief Justice Roberts. So, the Court's swing vote Anthony Kennedy holds the nation's destiny in his hands.

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