Friday, July 9, 2010

Try Another Swap

Now that the spy for prisoner swap has been pulled off- seemingly without too many glitches, I am all for another trade that will certainly aid the United States, even if it does not do much for Russia. How about we offer our not so sub rosa Marxist leader, Barack Hussein Obama, who after all let his true colors out as a redistributionist when he was caught in his "Joe the plumber" moment, for a former Communist who is more open about past associations with Marxists and now practices capitalism albeit of the let us help my oligarch crony-capitalism variety, Russian strong man Vladimir Putin? At least Putin does not go around apologizing for his own country or for that matter, does not spend much time bashing the United States unlike Barack Hussein Obama, who has seldom let an opportunity to point out what he sees as America's flaws, pass. Putin also no doubt knows how to wage war- total war aimed at total victory and would not tie Russian troops' hands with rules of engagement that would not permit them to fully protect themselves- much less win. I think many Americans would give this offer some consideration. Hey Russia, how about a one for one swap?

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