Sunday, March 15, 2009

Brilliant, Flippant, Wrong

Last night, I dined at a Japanese establishment that attracts the cognoscenti and elite (and us, who probably don't fit either category). We were seated next to a table with three sushi connoisseurs who were obviously possessed of more than a little learning. This modicum of knowledge led to them mocking the existence of God and endorsing evolution in their early conversation. I engaged in some light banter-discovering I had attended the same secondary school as one of the diners who was now a classmate of this evening's date at a prestigious Eastern university. Her father was the third member of the party and a university (a school I briefly attended) professor. They were discussing all sorts of early Western and Eastern (Shinto) mythos which seemed to hold great water for them while the true Uncaused First Cause was worthy of ridicule. It is amazing that people so bright can not see the forest for the trees.

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