Sunday, February 22, 2009

Nation Betrays God

One of Obama's first actions was to overturn a Bush-era policy and fund international family-planning-a soft euphemism for abortion. It is not enough that my nation has murdered more than forty million of her own since Roe v Wade, now she will subsidize foeticide worldwide. America has remained silent or placated terrorists and dictators since Obama's ascension, but now Obama flacks are expressing concern that our ally Israel has chosen Netanyahu in her own democratic process. The Holy Land given to the Jews by the Lord needs to be subdivided wholesale in Obama's worldview. The little Jewish state is the impediment to peace in their view, not the genocidal nations that surround her and their Jihadist proxies. Iran which under its current leadership is dedicated to "removing Israel from the map" is about to be engaged in dialogue by Obama, the wanton murderers of Hamas are about to brought into the Palestinian leadership with America's blessing, and unprecedented pressure is about to be brought to bear on Israel by Obama and the rest of the world. Our culture of permissiveness was on full display tonight at our Oscar ceremony. Placing pleasure first and worshipping the dollar is serving us well(hell). Nations at war with the Lord do not long survive.

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