Saturday, March 8, 2025
An Interesting Fellow
My mother and I chatted with a fellow who pulled his Cadillac sedan into a space we wanted at the Green Hills Kroger. His voice had a certain resonance and reminded me of a friend and classmate of Mom's who has sometimes performed with Willie Nelson. Mr. Golden Pipes did not tell us his name at this time, but a half hour later we found ourselves checking out when he did. We were parked bumper to bumper, so we exited together and continued our conversation. Turns out he was a radio host I had been listening to much of my life. Jerry Minshall, it was a pleasure meeting you. You are a great gentleman and raconteur.
Friday, March 7, 2025
The Criminal Court
Many on the Left were deeply disheartened that Trump installed Amy Coney Barrett as an Associate Justice on the United States Supreme Court. They needn't have worried as apart from abortion, most of her decisions have aligned with the liberal justices, and even on Roe v. Wade her correct interpretation of the Constitution only sent the matter back to the states which have overwhelming gone for the interests of the abortionists, with some estimates saying more pregnancies are being terminated now than before the ruling. Even in the few states that opted against infanticide, the abortifacient trade has surged with "doctors" in Blue States shipping these killing drugs to women in areas where restrictions were placed on abortion clinics. We also are burdened with the so-called "conservative" Chief Justice who it has been speculated since the Obamacare decision has some sort of compromising material hanging over him that has him often voting against original intent, and both these Justices seem determined to bind Trump's hands and keep the Deep State in full operation.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Hackman's Sad Demise
Nobody alive knows precisely what happened to acting great Gene Hackman and his wife, but my surmise is that he might have died of natural causes and that his wife was so distraught that she took her own life. It has been mentioned they were greatly devoted to each other, and maybe she felt she just could not go on without him. Of course, I initially wondered about carbon monoxide poisoning as had been speculated about in the press, but when tests seemed to rule that out, I thought of a bond so strong scenario.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Grading the Opposition
There have been Democrats who were great patriots and tremendous forces for good. JFK and Henry "Scoop" Jackson immediately come to mind. Patrick Moynihan made some great points and so did Joe Lieberman. Those Democrats and the ideology that they espoused are all dead, as is the political party they inhabited. It has become the DemocRAT Party composed of Marxists and misfits, sexual deviants and mental cases, and self-serving government employee union members including teachers who put their students last. Their display during the joint session where Trump spoke was odious. These DemocRATS offer nothing to help work-a-day Americans or America- only obstruction.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
The Tariff War
The one aspect of the tariff fight that mystifies me is why are tariffs on Canada and Mexico higher than those on implacable enemy Red China? If one of the rationales for the duties being imposed is Fentanyl, why have lower rates on Beijing where the precursor chemicals are all coming from, rather than our immediate neighbors who are just a pass-through for the evil being inflicted on America by the People's Republic?
Monday, March 3, 2025
Oscar Against Israel
A documentary few saw or will ever see won an Oscar. It was made by Israelis and "Palestinians". The problem is the coexistence type of "Palestinian" has no authority among his own people, and when it comes down to it, very little constituency among "Palestinians". The "Palestinians" who have reached out for the brotherhood of man notions or genuine steps toward peace tend to be rapidly killed by more radical "Palestinians". The Jews who at this point in time would make a movie with people who want to extinguish the Jewish State are often called "self-loathing"; I would not necessarily say they hate themselves, just other Jews who are striving to survive in a nation under siege that suffered the worst attack on their brethren since the Holocaust on October 7, 2023 and have been struggling to prevent more such massacres ever since then. No, these Jewish filmmakers may not despise themselves but are kapos or court Jews, who will sell out their own People to survive a bit longer or accumulate a bit more for themselves. I will not name their documentary as I have no desire to promote them or it, nor will I ever pay to see any production in which they participate.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Most Exciting Day
If you are a fan of Southeastern Conference basketball, you must have enjoyed yesterday's contests involving the Tennessee Volunteers and Vanderbilt. The Vols won on a buzzer beater in the tooth and nail rumble against the tough Alabama Crimson Tide team. The hero was somewhat unlikely as he is known as a great defender but not a three point shooter, yet Jahmai Mashack stood up like Reggie Miller at his peak and nailed the thirty foot game winner. The Commodores lagged the Missouri Tigers the entire game until the end, but managed to secure an overtime period that the home team absolutely dominated. Good on both my home state teams. May their stunning successes continue.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
No Moral Obligation
The United States is NOT obliged to defend the borders of the Ukraine. Trump is charged with defending the borders of America. Western Europe is in closer geographic proximity to the Russia war. Since the US saved them in World War II, our European allies have never fully maintained the burden of their own defense. Washington and our taxpayers paid the majority of the costs of protecting Western Europe. Trump is determined that America will not be exploited and that Europe will carry the weight of defending themselves. We do not need to fight Europe's war. Trump is preventing a third world war with his chastening of arrogant little Zelenskyy.
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