Saturday, August 31, 2024

Oh, the Irony

The leaders of Islamo-Nazi terrorist group Hamas have just called for "martyrdom operations" against Israel. This comes in the wake of revelations that one of the sticking points in ceasefire talks is that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar wants Israel to promise him that he will not be targeted by the Jewish State. In other words, this butcher wants to send his underlings to certain death, but demands his personal safety guaranteed by the folks he has been murdering. I say if Sinwar wants suicide bombing to resume, as a leader, he should volunteer to be the first jihadist to strap on the bomb and go forth to try to die gloriously and claim his seventy-two virgins. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

A Candidate Stampede

Watching excerpts of the first interview Queen Kamala has granted with sidekick Walz, I was struck by how much she ran away from her policy positions that she has annunciated for years and how much the Minnesota Governor lies and deflects about his exaggerations of his service in the Army National Guard. One runs away from her record, while the other flees his own words. 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Pushing You Out

The DemocRAT leaders and their fellow travelers have pushed for decades to break up Black families by rewarding single mothers for not having the fathers in their homes and have killed African-Americans before they are even born by locating abortion mills in primarily Black neighborhoods. Now, these same leaders are rushing to supplant African-American voting power by importing millions of Hispanic future voters who do not have the same priorities as the Black Community. The DemocRATS have a half Black candidate at the top of their ticket, but Harris intends to keep America's borders open and that will dilute Black Power even more. Why not give Trump a chance to make a better future for all Americans? 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Game Plan

First you make it so hard on your native population that those who are responsible and would never take charity or government handouts stop having children (by necessity, because they can't afford them). Then you talk about the population problem you have deliberately caused because there are no longer enough births to sustain your country. With birthrates so low, you must import laborers. Those workers are forever in your debt for rescuing them from Third World conditions and once given voting rights are the block that keeps you and your chosen successors in power permanently to keep importing their relatives. Of course, this is just the paranoid fantasy of right-wingers. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Educated Fools

I know well-educated professionals who are enthralled with Kamala and can't wait to vote our nation into Communism. My wise great grandmother, born in Russia, would have said they had "all the education but no common sense". I would say they are unbelievably dangerous. It amazes me that certain fellow Jews, some having graduated the most prestigious universities, are giving the Harris-Walz ticket their full-throated support. At best, Kamala will embargo arms going to Israel. At worst, she will join the rest of the Jew-haters to order the blue helmets to march in and destroy the Jewish State. Does this sound like "joy" to you? 

Monday, August 26, 2024

See Reagan Movie

I had the unique opportunity to attend the Nashville premiere of the Reagan movie featuring Dennis Quaid. It was a masterful telling of many of the events of the Twentieth Century, but much more with soulful portrayals of the human beings who made that history. Quaid's performance was particularly compelling with him capturing the essence of the late President from his initial foray into acting all the way to his passing from Alzheimer's. Quaid obviously could not play "Dutch" as a child, nor as a young man working as a lifeguard and playing college football, but when Quaid, who is into his seventies appears on the screen, he captures the verve and expectations of a twenty-something trying to make his way in Hollywood, and his vocalizations and facial expressions actually bring Forty back to life. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Unprecedented Israeli Aggression

A huge swathe of the media is against the Jewish State. These Jew-haters in the press report "news" from the Gaza Ministry of Health without skepticism, while framing everything Israel declares as "Israel claims" or the IDF "appears to show", heaping questions of credibility on the side that was attacked. I have already heard such reportage from Lebanon as well, as if Jerusalem lies while Hezbollah states unquestionable truth. Israel is NOT waging attacks on Lebanon or Lebanese but on an Iranian proxy terror army that has subsumed Lebanon as its base from which to launch attacks to murder Israelis. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

A Monumental Development

Robert Kennedy has essentially endorsed his Republican opponent. He will not contest races in states where he might be the spoiler who puts Kamala in office. Kennedy and Trump see the world differently in many aspects, but while I always supported Trump in this race, I agree wholeheartedly with Kennedy that folks should not be compelled to take a vaccine (that turned out to be neither particularly safe nor effective). I do not know how much Kennedy's departure shakes up the contest, but it certainly seems he has placed country over self. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Were You Fooled?

Did you buy what DemocRATS were selling at their convention? Did you notice they co-opted Republican themes and even policy positions (like no tax on tips). Kamala's side was suddenly more patriotic than the Founding Fathers while in actuality they want to erase the legacy of our Founders. The difference between Harris and Trump is he will actually do all he is able to keep his promises while hers are mere posturing to gain votes. In the horrific event of her victory, she will revert to the socialism of her heart and head, while America loses freedom and prosperity.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Platform Collapsed

Nothing is going badly in the Biden-Harris regime, but if it were, Kamala will fix it when she becomes President. Harris will not attempt the repair now, while she is Vice President, but she will start waving her magic wand after she is sworn into higher office and solve all our problems (not that we actually have any during the Biden-Harris utopia they have had charge over almost four years). 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Our British Friends

The head of the police in the United Kingdom has threatened to jail Americans for expressing opinions that he does not like. He may or may not be a top flight administrator and investigator, but he certainly lacks a knowledge of history. Does this martinet not recall that America kicked his then empire six ways from Sunday in the Revolutionary War? United States' citizens no longer have to abide by whatever edict London demands. In fact, come over here and tell us that to our faces, you stuffed shirt, inbred imbecile! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Class Envy Liars

Most American billionaires support DemocRATS, but the few that do support Trump have not done so because they want to further feather their own nests, but because the DemocRATS have turned against the Jews and Israel. At the convention, you heard some populist talk, but that was all it was. DemocRATS since Bill Clinton have done little for working people, but much for their billionaire donor class. The DomocRAT Party is a Marxist institution with a remnant of corrupt capitalism reserved for cronies. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Conventional Wisdom

DemocRATS will tell you whatever they think you want to hear at their convention but will govern as Marxists in the tragedy of their victory (heaven-forbid). Their leaders are practiced and accomplished liars who in office only engage in capitalism when it enriches them and their cronies. They may put on a fantastic show this week, because the Hollywood people will orchestrate the proceedings, but they are selling whole cloth to the gullible. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Terrible Leveler

Honest government can't make anyone wealthy. Graft and corruption can and do, but all government is able to accomplish is not spreading the wealth but reducing the circumstances of the hitherto successful to grow misery across the board. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Fool's Errand

The Federal government gains funds by printing money which devalues it or by confiscation (through taxation). If a country prints enough fiat currency, it becomes another Weimar Germany or Zimbabwe. If it takes from productive citizens, it becomes a disincentive to work. Kamala wants to do both. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Moronic Marxist Notion

How would price controls work on groceries in America? They would advance the process of turning the United States into Zimbabwe. Also, if any such practice were put into action, wage controls would have to necessarily accompany them, as price controls without wage controls cause food producers to go bankrupt. Kamala is not for wage controls though but supports a higher minimum wage, which would spark ever greater inflation and be an invitation for a contraband trade in ever more scarce food. If you want Americans to live like they did in the Venezuela of Chavez, vote Harris. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

A Glaring Admission

Kamala Harris has not done an interview, even iin the many friendly forum available to her, since he elevation to Presidential nominee (without receiving any actual votes), The reason she has not made herself available is evident. Harris and her handlers do not believe she is capable of performing well, even with the friendliest interlocutor. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Liars and Cheats

Who do you think deceives more- the DemocRAT leaders or their media flacks who pretend to be objective? The DemocRATS have the vested interest of self-promotion to retain and then gain more power. The dinosaur press are simply their willing propagandists. Both harm Americans and should never be believed. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Trump Means Liberty

For goodness sake, our future is at stake. We will have greater freedom and prosperity after the election, or Harris-Walk, but not both. It is a simple question- do you want a peaceful and thriving nation or socialism? 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Even at Tiddlywinks

If someone is competing for the United States in any event, as a patriot, I am for them. I did not watch the Olympics after hearing of all the perversion feted during the opening ceremony, and I am not fond of certain athletes on Team USA, but as an American, I hope my countrymen always prevail over the competitors from other nations. I heard Red China tied America in the gold medal count, but the Communists certainly contravene rules as much as possible to win. Go red, white, and blue- I am always rooting for you!  

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Say Anything Ticket

The Harris-Walz team will promise much to be elected but will not follow through with their commitments. Trump will do all that he is able to keep his pledges to voters. He will unilaterally push forward with what he says, and if he has a Republican House and Senate, every assurance he has made will be followed as policy and turned into law. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Fair Shake

Most all of the media will not report anything critical of Harris or news that is positive about Trump. They say Trump "claims" while declaring the Harris campaign positions with no skepticism as if they are all facts. The bias aimed against Trump but promoting Kamala is undeniable. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Another Hidden Candidate

The DemocRATS used COVID as the rationale to hide already fading Biden in his basement during the 2020 campaign. Now, they have hiding Harris, who has not even published her policy positions. If you vote for Kamala, you do not know what you are voting for, but only that you are against Trump, who is telling you exactly where he stands and giving press conferences. Harris will not submit to press inquiries, but said she will have "one before the end of the month", no doubt with handmaiden media. All Trump wants to do is bring us more peace, freedom, and prosperity. Kamala will not tell you where she stands because she does not want you to now just how radical she is. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Real American Zero

Tim Walz portrayed his military service as more heroic than it actually was and exaggerated his rank. This matters to veterans and bespeaks a lack of integrity. This lack of candor will not matter to most, but it should. I hope the voters realize the Minnesota Governor is a lying socialist who holds positions far to the Left of the mainstream. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Most Radical Ticket

Harris-Walz does not have a scintilla of moderation, but is in fact radical. Walz is no moderate Midwesterner but a self-identified socialist. Harris is a San Francisco Marxist, who was to the Left of Bernie Sanders in the US Senate. They will not be easy to beat because the DemocRATS will cheat to install them into power. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Proponent Versus Opponent

Donald Trump is for human freedom. He wants you to be able to drive what you like where you want to go. Kamala Harris wants electric vehicles mandated and fifteen minute cities. She wants you confined to a small area to reduce your carbon footprint )yours, not hers). She is against the freedom to travel because she thinks the SUV you own is destroying the planet. If you enjoy liberty, you know who to vote for in the coming Presidential race. 

Monday, August 5, 2024

The Greatest Crash

When US markets are at their highest levels ever, not because the fundamental value actually had risen, but because the US Dollar has been so devalued, stocks have only one way to go. With thirty-five trillion dollars in debt, what we face is a larger hole than the entire productive economy. Americans can't afford or sustain this. This is a depression in the making, but it was not from investor over-exuberance or consumerism gone wild, but insane and out of control government spending, and unrestrained printing of increasingly worthless fiat currency, along with measures by the Federal Reserve that were meant to tamp down over spending and stock speculation that was not the cause of our current difficulties because in this instance, it was not happening. The government made a bubble with stupid economic and monetary policy that was bound to burst. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Only in Defense

Israel did not kill two terrorist masterminds recently out of viciousness. Their assassinations were not even vengeance for previous murders of innocent Israelis but to prevent the next attack. The other side is the one that targets innocents, while the IDF protects civilians by eliminating murderers. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Trump- the Providential

I do not know if President Trump is especially moral or even particularly religious but do realize the the Lord selects His instruments and that they are never perfect. We have a perfect G-d who by necessity finds imperfect men to do his bidding. What the world witnessed in Butler, Pennsylvania was a miracle of survival toward what must be an Inspired destiny. 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Women Were Gentler

Ladies used to be known as the "gentle sex". In woke world, it is impermissible to even define a "woman". I heard an essentially male Olympic boxer beat up an authentic female one, forcing the genuine distaff to retire less than fifty seconds into the bout. My notions might be quaint and antiquated, but I do not like to see women fighting each other and wish there was no such contest as women boxing. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

A Power Vacuum

The United States is as vulnerable to being attacked now, as Joe Biden is clearly only a figurehead, and a greatly diminished one at that, and Kamala Harris is a self-identified "radical", and a stupid one at that. America has sent much of our munitions to the Ukraine, and a bit to Israel, leaving us without sufficient 155 mm artillery rounds to conduct a war of our own if we need to fight for our own survival. We also have an enlistment crisis with no branch of the military suffused with ample personnel. Red China, Iran, North Korea, and the world's terrorists all see glaring weakness, and this invites aggression.