Monday, May 13, 2024

The Campus Cancer

At some of America's leading universities, faculty has linked arms to protect the Hamas enthusiasts illegally camping on the quads from police ordered to disperse them. In the relatively rare instances any of these hooligans are actually arrested, they are almost universally released with only an order to appear later and out on their own recognizance. Only a handful anywhere have even had to post bond, which is nominal in these cases. What are the professors protecting protesters from with their blanket of solidarity? It is really just a kinship in hating Zionists and the Jewish State which is often campus-wide, except for Jewish students and the righteous Gentiles who do not ant to see another Holocaust. The Chris Van Hollen types who are now criticizing their own party members who still stand with Israel and against the persecution of Jewish Americans are wrong that the mob of student protesters are the "conscience of the nation". They are actually a blight to freedom loving and decent folks everywhere. 

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