Thursday, May 23, 2024

Know Your Enemies

Do you remember the so-called "students" that captured the American embassy in Tehran in 1979? The mob in Iran was shouting "death to America" and screaming that the United States was "the Great Satan", even back then (in Farsi) though some of the signs they held up for the world media displayed that same message in English so that it was clear for all to see. The government-backed demonstrators also started chanting that "the Little Satan" was the Zionist entity, all those decades back. The leaders that oppress the Persian people still believe those sick sentiments and call on or force a large number of their citizens to take to the streets to denounce the US and Israel today. This is not mere rhetoric to the mad mullahs but the plan they are implementing every day. Bizarrely, Joe Biden has sent this arch foe billions of dollars, that the ayatollahs now use to further foment terrorism and the rise of the Shia empire. All this while the Biden regime is holding back munitions that the IDF needs to prevail in their war for the survival of the Jewish State. Israel remains the most reliable ally America has in the Middle East, and Iran is still committed to murdering Israelis and Americans. 

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