Friday, December 20, 2013

The Bitter Reality

For many years, including during this administration, the United States has given Israel repeated security assurances. Israel had reason to trust previous US Presidents when they pledged their support right through the last President Bush. Barack Hussein Obama voiced all the same words about "Israel's right to exist in secure borders" and about Iran not being allowed to go "nuclear", but to Obama, America's promises were only rhetoric. Obama is increasing pressure on the Jewish State to give land away to the Palestinians for what will prove to be no peace. The US President has decreased sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran despite the fact that Iran is extremely close to being able to produce nuclear weapons that will clearly have Israel as their first (but by no means the last) target. Israel relied on America's promises, but under the Obama administration, Iran is no longer a pariah state, Israel is being isolated as an apartheid regime, and the Jewish State is left to rely on herself.

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