Sunday, June 23, 2024

What Debate Means

I think in many instances, debates do make a great difference, but in the case of the current political campaign, the event will have little impact as both Presidential candidates have track records serving in the office already. Biden and Trump are known quantities, and nothing they say on a particular night is going to change the perspective voters already hold of them. I will watch, but nothing either candidate says will erase or alter the record each left in the office. That being said, expectations have been lowered so much for old Joe that if he stands up throughout the proceedings without babbling incoherently, it will be judged that he has prevailed, while Trump will have to contend with hostile moderators, and is facing a one versus three telecast. No matter the outcome, or manipulated perceptions of the performance, I am still voting Trump because Biden is destroying our nation and has destabilized the world. 

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