Monday, August 3, 2015

Ranking the Candidates

I still hold Ted Cruz and Rick Santorum in the highest esteem. I believe Scott Walker and Rand Paul would be acceptable as President of the United States. I think Ben Carson is a great human being who would be a better President than Obama. I do not like Marco Rubio's outreach toward amnesty. I am against any candidate who supports the Common Core education standards as Jeb Bush does (or simply wants Common Core re-branded like Mike Huckabee). I would not vote for Donald Trump in the primary but if the choice in the general election is Trump or Hillary, I would gladly pull the lever for Trump. I think all the Democrat candidates are pretty rank, but find Jim Webb the least pungent. For the sake of the nation, I pray the general election is not Bush versus Clinton with Trump running as a third party to hand Hillary the Presidency, but I have a great fear that is exactly what will happen.

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