Thursday, July 7, 2011

Delirious With Deceit

If Barack Hussein Obama who ran for President as a defender of Social Security and Medicare and the Congress including nominal Republicans conclude some kind of "grand bargain" on the budget and the debt ceiling, it could include the most stunning betrayal of America's senior citizens in the nation's history. A dire warning on this forum has been the prospect of inflation, even the fear that the rampant printing of fiat money could impel hyperinflation as was seen in the Weimar Republic and more recently in Zimbabwe. America's elderly are too often completely dependent on government and if they forfeit their cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) as is now more possible than ever, it could cost their very lives. There has been no boom in the economy of these seniors (if there has been any recovery for anyone) and if they lose their COLAs in the teeth of rising inflation, the stark choice of food or medicine could become all too real for vulnerable older Americans. No grand bargain should be made that targets grandma and grandpa.

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