Thursday, September 17, 2009

Out of Bounds

Our political discourse is being tainted with artificial charges of racism in an effort to silence criticism of Obama. Mainstream conservatives are being sullied with charges of race-baiting. Are J.C. Watts, Thomas Sowell, and Walter E. Williams racist when they question the President and his policies? We have a cabal of Democrats and their media lackeys trying to start something-something ugly and unwarranted between the races. Joe Wilson, who was an obscure Congressman, largely unknown, like most Congressmen, outside his district until he blurted out the truth during Obama's speech to the joint session to tout his health care scheme. Suddenly, Wilson is a disguised Klansman, a closet racist, not someone honorable, with an honest disagreement with a dishonest President. Representative Wilson, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck seem to be the lightning rods for the liberal attack machine, including their henchmen in the dinosaur media. Throughout history, when debate is silenced, dictatorships are born.

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