Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Behind the Scenes

The decision may already be out of Biden's hands. There are machinations afoot within the DemocRAT party apparatus to replace Joe on the ticket. Some of the tactics will involve direct pressure in meetings with Governors from that party, and other means may even include invoking the Twenty-fifth Amendment although Biden's immediate circle is said to be reluctant to become the first administration to ever remove their putative leader by this means. Given these considerations (even with nothing else involved), it clearly demonstrates that Biden is incapable of serving a second term. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

No Questions Answered

Biden demonstrated he could still read a bit off a teleprompter yesterday, even inadvertently blurting out "end of quote" as he spoke. Then, with the press pool shouting questions,  Joe wheeled around and slipped away. Biden did not even attempt to answer one query because he can no longer think of spontaneous answers at all. SAD!

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Puppet Master?

I guarantee you Ron Klain was NEVER making the decisions in the White House. Jill Biden likely has more influence than many give her credit for, as Joe would not move forward with his wife's approval. I do not think Obama respects Biden in the slightest or ever did anything but use him to show the "moderate face" of what was actually a radical administration. My bet is that Susan Rice is conveying Barack Hussein Obama's policy desires to Team Biden, and they are dutifully carrying them out with Joe never having very much influence over what is done in his name.