Monday, January 31, 2022
Truckers for Freedom
The drivers joining forces around the globe are NOT against vaccines. They are fighting tyranny. They believe the foremost liberty is bodily autonomy. They are not against you taking the puncture, only against those who do not want the jab being forced to take it. They are standing in the way of mandates and passports, not you masking or taking a shot, if that is what you want to do. They just do not want government compelling the unwilling.
Sunday, January 30, 2022
A New Powerhouse
Joe Burrow may be the next Tom Brady. I saw how fantastic Burrow was during his undefeated season at LSU. His skill set definitely translates perfectly in the pros. I hope he wins his first Super Bowl in 2022.
Saturday, January 29, 2022
A Giant Target
The number one team in college basketball will always face the greatest effort of every opponent. That is what makes the consistency of traditional powerhouses Kansas, Duke, and Kentucky, so often ranked first, so amazing.
Friday, January 28, 2022
Strong on Ukraine
Biden has been like a rock on Russian aggression. I do not mean he has been determined and forceful. I mean he is as dumb as a stone in a circumstance that is a dire threat to peace and stability.
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Rumor of War
If a war is somehow averted between Russia and the Ukraine, Joe Biden will NOT have stopped it. If war ignites, it may be old Joe's fault, but avoiding conflict will not be to Biden's credit.
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Justice or Injustice
I guarantee you whoever Biden nominates for the US Supreme Court will be a rubberstamp for Leftism. Democrats do not look for judicial temperment, intellect, or a sense of fairness in their court appointments. They find doctrinaire apparatchiks who advance an un-American, anti-Constitutional, ungodly agenda on Americans.
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
The Worst Weather
It is a human tendency to say whatever climate horror you are experiencing at any particular moment is the worst ever. In reality, it is not. Weather and climate constantly change. We had Ice Ages before the first factory was built. We had a Dust Bowl before anyone turned a key to start their SUV. We are not causing climate change, can not stop it, but the human race can adapt to whatever weather changes are happening.
Monday, January 24, 2022
Die for Ukraine?
If you want to lay down your life for Kyiv, book a flight now. You will be welcome up on the front line, but if you are an American patriot, why not just stay here, and protect your own country?
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Not Really Parity
Toward the top of the National Football League, the teams are fairly evenly matched. Not so much though between the bottom and the best. The New York teams for instance are a long way from making it into a Super Bowl again. Jacksonville does not look like they will make the playoffs anytime soon. The Lions are still the joke they have been for a couple of decades, but the cream of the league puts on quite a show.
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Much the Wiser
With almost a half century of experience in Washington, one would think Biden would have mastered everything. One would be mistaken. Either old Joe has forgotten most everything, or he got by without ever having learned in the first place.
Friday, January 21, 2022
The Straight Skinny
The senile old fool serving as the figurehead of the cabal just invited Russia to further attack the Ukraine. This was beyond appeasement. It was an engraved invitation. We know Biden does not have the stomach for World War III. It is just a matter of how much he will capitulate. Old Joe might begin to really fight when Putin crosses the Potomac.
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Havoc for Thee
The super wealthy will live in luxury, behind cordons of armed security. Normal working folks will be left to be preyed upon by the societal parasites the powerful unleash upon them as part of their depopulation project. Our overlords don't want to have to contend with throngs of social climbers crowding their beaches and ski slopes. They would rather see us dead than a rising middle class.
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Really Feeling Violated
There was a burglar in my garage when I arrived home. He had injected a narcotic on my living room couch. I called 911, but the culprit fled before they arrived. I hope he is captured and put away until he is no longer a threat to the community.
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
A Dangerous Vice
A lit cigarette can burn down your house. A pack of cigarettes may start you down the road to Chronic Obtructive Pulmonary Disease. A few smokes on a weekly basis may be just enough to give you lung cancer. Please don't start the tobacco habit. If you have already embarked on your journey to an early grave, please stop smoking now.
Monday, January 17, 2022
A Secure Border
How does a British national who had been convicted of crimes in the UK make it to Texas? He should never have been admitted to the United States. How did a foreign felon obtain a gun? Authorities need to trace that firearm and prosecute whoever sold it to the hostage-taker, if he bought it rather than simply stealing it. Thank the Lord that none of the congregants or law enforcement were hurt in the incident.
Sunday, January 16, 2022
No Religious Element
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (Instigation?) did not see a specifically anti-Jewish motive in the Texas hostage taking. The FBI is also diiligently looking into the rumor that Hitler detested Jews but is reserving comment until the probe is complete.
Saturday, January 15, 2022
"For Your Convenience"
There is a push underway to move the United States away from hard currency and into the "digital dollar". You will be told you never have to worry about carrying around money again. No forgotten, lost, or stolen wallets, just use biometrics in some form for your purchases. DO NOT LET the government do this to you. It is real Mark of the Beast stuff about ultimate and absolute government control and it is DEATH. Even if it starts benignly, when the next ruler (or the one after) decides she does not like something you said or did, your entire family will be stripped of all buying power and starve. Digital dollars will end dissent in America, and with that, freedom.
Friday, January 14, 2022
Not Beyond Possibility
Kamala Harris may replace Joe Biden as the figurehead of the cabal. Of course, Biden could have a health crisis that prevents him from serving out his full term, or he may just tire of all the turmoil being in the highest office exposes him to that could end with a resignation. Kamala Harris may be running as the incumbent President in the 2024 election.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Rebuke and Repudiation
The Biden cabal just lost one of their attempted power grabs in a case that went before the US Supreme Court. The regime wanted to impose vaccines through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration on businesses with one hundred or more employees. Six sane members of the Court said "No". The decision is a small victory for freedom, but our liberty remains at terrible risk.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
"Lying in State"
Stow that grief gear and bring on the good cheer. Harry Reid spent decades lying in the US Capitol. The only difference now is his lying mouth is no longer running.
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Every Forty Years
While the Alabama Crimson Tide seems to win at least a couple of football titles each decade, the University of Georgia is content to win one every four decades (or so). That is still much better than my hometown college team Vanderbilt, who after over a century of playing football, is hoping to at some point win their first.
Monday, January 10, 2022
Another Bold Prediction
I give you my ironclad guarantee that a football team representing the Southeastern Conference will win the 2022 National Title, capping the 2021 season. It will not be a Big Ten college that wins. The champion will not be from the Pac-12. Yes indeed, a Southern team will be crowned yet again. I have no idea if that will be Georgia or Alabama, but an SEC team nonetheless.
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Supreme Court Vacancy
Is it not amazing that someone as empty-headed as "Soviet" Sotomayor could have made it onto the US Supreme Court? She is about as "wise" (Latina or otherwise) as a pineapple. Her remarks during the COVID case reveal a stunning lack of knowledge. This is what Democrats look to appoint to the nation's highest court when they are in power- party line myrmidons.
Saturday, January 8, 2022
Who to Trust?
I made the mistake of buying Ted Cruz hook, line, and sinker. I supported Cruz over Trump in the Republican primaries that preceded the 2016 Presidential election. I now see I was sold a bill of goods and should have, like my mother, supported Trump all along. Mom was just more discerning than I was. Trump was and is the OUTSIDER that America needed and needs to drain the abscess that is Washington, D.C.
Friday, January 7, 2022
No Longer Viable
Ted Cruz likely committed political suicide with his ill-conceived remarks about January 6. Cruz must have forgotten what branch of what party he represented. I never thought you could run to the right of Cruz to beat him in Texas, but now, Ted has left a Texas-sized opening for an authentic conservative to exploit.
Thursday, January 6, 2022
The Great Unifier
Joe Biden is the most deliberately divisive leader under which the United States has ever suffered. You would think he could utter a conciliatory word today, but you would be wrong. He really wants to create the (false) perception that if you support President Trump you are an "insurrectionist". No, if you support Donald Trump, you are a patriot with good sense.
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Intentions Are Good?
The Republican scorpions who sold out Donald Trump are not patriots. They are the opposite of that. They did not only betray the real President, but the Constitution, law, and most of all, the country. They are handmaidens of the Left. We need more Trump Republicans or a Trumpian Party supplanting the weak as water GOP.
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
Chains and Studs
If you do not have a four-wheel or all-wheel drive vehicle and travel in an icy area, buy snow tires. If you are able, apply chains or studs to better hold traction on ice. You can safely navigate icy streets by slowing down and using the right equipment.
Monday, January 3, 2022
Driving in Blizzard
I happen to have a big, gas-guzzling all-wheel drive SUV, which hurts when I go to fuel up, but I was glad to be driving it home from Louisville to Nashville last night when I drove through as close to a blizzard as I ever want to get. We knew snow was possible, but I believe the precip was heavier and more intense than forecast. My Telluride handled the rough conditions like a champ.
Sunday, January 2, 2022
Old Year Analysis
Nothing killed me in 2021, and I am certainly grateful for that. I can speak much more definitively about what has transpired than what will come, though past is prologue (from The Tempest by William Shakespeare). Too many people died of COVID last year, and some of those deaths were likely preventable had early treatment been administered. Other Coronavirus deaths were needless as well with actively sick folks brought into nuring homes to infect those who otherwise would not have been exposed. They say hindsight is 20/20 but you did not have to be a genius to know that putting infected patients in with the medically-vulnerable would have tragic consequences. Last year, unscrupulous people exploited the pandemic and fear over it for all it was worth. I am sure the same trick will be tried in 2022. I just wonder if the masses will tire of it.
Saturday, January 1, 2022
New Year Observation
Any man who says he understands female psychology has never met a woman. Any couple who feels content pulling in big bucks should remember grandpa had more buying power with his meager wages and his wife taking care of the hearth, home, and children than you do with two incomes. Anybody who says they will not reproduce to save the environment really is doing the earth a big favor as Leftist really deserve to have their lines die out.
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