Friday, April 30, 2021
Scheme for Failure
Barack Hussein Obama was going to manage the decline of the United States "gracefully". I would have thought any US leader orchestrating suffering in his own country was by definition "mismanaging",but to the Left, the "managed decline" of America was a worthwhile objective. Corrupt old Joe is certainly furthering his boss's aims in this regard. You can not foster near universal deapendency on government and imagine there is a way to pay for it as Biden is doing. The advantage Joe has over Obama is the former President did not have a pandemic to credit, blame, or do the work of creating additional dole dwellers that COVID did for the Biden cabal.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Prescription for Pain
If the Biden agenda is implemented, America will have hyperinflation, rampant street crime, and quite possibly a civil or race war. Other that that, his speech last night was alright. At least corrupt old Joe didn't go off script or collapse from exertion at the end, but he did suggest bank-breaking spending and smear Trump supporters as insurrectionist while exaggerating the events of January 6.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Smoke and Mirrors
The cabal will prop up the corrupt, senile liar tonight to pander and slander. Biden will obfuscate, take credit for things he did not do, and blame the Trump administration and Republicans for what he has not accomplished (which is just about everything, because Biden has done nothing good and never will).
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Charting Our Course
The self-anointed elite on both coasts, those around Washington DC, and a bunch of bizarre folks in entertainment, media, and in university communities want to dictate to over two hundred million Americans who disagree vigorously with their beliefs. Are there racists and reactionaries in this country? You bet, and the coastal opinion makers and race grievance peddlers are doing their best to create more each day. I do not want to comply with the diktats of an illegitimate regime that is in the thrall of wierdos and Marxists and is attempting to engineer the disintegration of the nation as it was founded.
Monday, April 26, 2021
The Puppet Masters
Would you like to know who is pulling the strings that control Biden and Harris? I sure would, but know the compromised corporate media has no interest in exposing the cabal.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Obey Your Betters!
As more evidence emerges that masks are doing no good but are harming people, do not expect mask mandates to be lifted. This is because the requirement was not issued for your health but their control. Incontrovertible proof that masks are ineffective means nothing to those seeking a symbol of our submission to them.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Terror and War
No US leader has heartened jihadis across the globe and the mad mullahs of Iran more than Joe Biden. Biden's appeasement of Tehran and resumption of payments to the Palestinian Authority have encouraged more violence. Biden's weakness has destabilized the world. Biden and the cabal running him are tying Netanyahu's hands in an effort to make sure he is removed as Israel's Prime Minister while reinforcing the theocracy of thugs trying to produce nuclear weapons in Natanz.
Friday, April 23, 2021
A Speed Demon
A promising young basketball player thought he could handle a car going over twice the speed limit. It cost him his life. You should always realize your own limitations and those of the vehicle you are driving. You may not get there fast if you drive safely, but you may not get there at all if you don't.
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Stabbed in Back
Republican politicians are smiling at their voters and then going right along with Democrats in selling us out to oligarchs and corporations. The GOP-dominated legislature of my home state has feigned a high-minded stand against vaccine passports and a mandate of the COVID puncture by state authorities, which is great as far as it goes, but deliberately excludes private entitiies. After all these Republicans say they do not want to interfere in the operations of a business. Their stand then means virtually nothing, as companies will require their employees to take the "vaccine" and perhaps even deny potential customers access to their premises if they can not produce proof of "vaccination". Under the fake protection of civil liberty that will likely be passed and signed by Governor Lee, Tennesseans will still have to live under vaccine passports. They will just be imposed by corporations instead of the state. It would have been very easy to pass a law preventing private entities operating within Tennessee from imposing vaccine mandates and passports, but our two-faced legislators, who only pretend to value freedom, were having none of that.
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Very Knife Girl
An honor student and peacemaker who happened to sixteen years old and black had her life stolen by a cop in Columbus, Ohio yesterday. We must all ignore the kitchen knife she was about to plunge into another young "lady".
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Very Knives Man
I heard a report about a fellow who stabbed a woman over thirty times. He had previously been convicted in a slaying. What the heck was he doing out on the street again to harm someone else? If people like him offend but are not kept away from the innocent, you no longer have a justice system and communities are far from safe.
Monday, April 19, 2021
Your Hijab Face
The mask is your declaration of surrender to the elite and the COVID cultists. It is like the burka in Muslim nations signifying a woman's submission to Islam.
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Hole in Hole
The Indianapolis murderer who ultimately killed himself lived down to his name. The hole Hole dug for himself will have him in the deepest burning pits forever.
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Why Venerate Thugs?
Do you think George Floyd might have sold your granddaughter drugs or mugged you? Do you think young gang member Adam Toledo might have helped your son score some crack or robbed your store at gunpoint? These folks that did not survive their encounters with police were NOT exactly model citizens. In fact, they were dangerous criminals who would have preyed on you and your family.
Friday, April 16, 2021
Good Old Days
I just do not remember ever being out at thirteen years old at two-thirty in the morning. I can not ever recall going out to pop off a few rounds at cars. So far as memory serves, I do not think I ever ran from police. I guess these are just different times. I mean how dare that cop think he deserved to come home at the end of his shift.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Manipulative Strategies Employed
Looters are going to take every advantage. Democrat politicians are exploiting every police shooting and are in many cases stoking the mob instead of trying to calm it. You might say many Democrat leaders and rioters have the same objective, or at the very least, are acting symbiotically.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
All Bad Choices
If you fight with cops, you are making a mistake that may cost your life. If you make police chase you at over one hundred miles per hour when they try to enforce the speed limit, you may wreck and kill yourself and some other folks. If you shoot at law enforcement during your escape attempt, chances are you will end up in a bad way. When you swallow a bunch of narcotics to hide them from authorities, you may well overdose. A bunch of felons have done one or a combination of these things resisting police and been paralyzed in one incident and killed in several other events. I support the police when they give lawful orders and act within the law. When criminals fight their arrest, it does not upset me a bit that they suffer for their stupidity.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Incident in Iran
The mad mullahs that enslave the Iranian people had a bit of a setback when one of their nuclear facilities sustained some damage. This will not stop them from their ultimate aim to acquire atomic weapons, but may slow them down. Everyone knows Tehran intends to try to destroy the Jewish State, and it is quite possible that Israel is the entity sabotaging Iran's nukes. The unfortunate truth is that it will take all-out war to ultimately thwart the theocratic fanatics from gaining the Bomb and using it to destroy Tel Aviv.
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Riots in Minnesota
If the police kill anyone gratuitously, their actions are wrong. If someone disobeys lawful orders of a cop and heads for a weapon that weighs more than a ton and has the ability to speed at more than seventy miles per hour, law enforcement is justified in trying to stop him. The best way not to be harmed in an interaction with a policeman is to comply with what they demand. After an event with cops turns tragic, if rioters are breaking into stores and running out with arms full of merchandise, they are not campaigning for fair treatment. They are just looting using the preceding event as cover and an excuse.
Saturday, April 10, 2021
To a Neighbor
Turning sixty-seven might not be seventh heaven// You may not be able to sprint a mile anymore// But you can still do what you adore// It is a safe bet// You have not seen your best yet// Remember age is just a number// And we believe and hope you grow wiser not dumber
Friday, April 9, 2021
Protecting Our Right
In Biden's America, you will no longer enjoy the right to speak or own a gun, but take heart, you can still kill your baby! And don't expect the Federal courts to save your liberty. With thousands of new Federal judgeships the Biden gang will create, you will not have long delays for trials, but the judges the Biden cabal will appoint will be there not to defend freedom but to eradicate it. The packed US Supreme Court will not uphold liberty but erase it.
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Just Stick It
The gun-banning usurper wants to take your heretofore legally owned firearms. Do not give an inch on this, because the cabal behind Biden will take a mile.
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
A Coordinated Effort
I fear Russia and Red China are acting in concert to expand their empires because they know the Biden regime is weak and will not do anything substantive to oppose their aggression. Both Russia and the CCP are building up their forces facing the Ukraine and Taiwan respectively.If both cats jump at the same time, the United States under its comprised leadership is not likely to mount much of an effort against either. Both Russia and China also seem to have dirt on the Biden family that may go a long way to tie corrupt old Joe's hands.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Team Adam Morrison
Gonzaga has always been a great basketball squad for their league under excellent coach Mark Few, but I am not sure playing in their minor conference readies them to face the best from the more powerful conferences. Baylor faced teams with relatively comparable athletes throughout their conference season, while Gonzaga went through undefeated against conference teams with decidedly inferior athletic talent. This is not Gonzaga's fault. They have always been willing to face any college team, and do in the pre-conference action, but once conference play starts, they are seldom challenged. Then, being a number one seed, they face relatively easy competition in the early rounds of the NCAA Tournament, which once again, leaves them untested against the best. Gonzaga was clearly very good this season, but had not faced competition at the highest level for months until they encountered the Baylor buzz saw.
Monday, April 5, 2021
Biden's Iranian Buddies
For forty years, the mullahs dominating the Iranian people have expressed and demonstrated their hatred for the United States. Corrupt old Joe does not seem to recognize this. He wants to cozy up to the Islamic Republic at the expense of the Sunni states and Israel, who were America's traditional allies in the Middle East. Short of launching an attack on ourselves, nothing the US ever does will placate Iran.
Sunday, April 4, 2021
My Mourning Morning
After discovering I had recently lost an eigthy-three year old first cousin in Sarasota, I was shocked to learn my sixty-four year old first cousin was actively dying in Bradenton. He passed away shortly after we heard he was stricken. I am all too rapidly running out of family.
Saturday, April 3, 2021
Just a Thought
If there was an "insurrection", it was the most poorly executed one ever staged. In a nation with more than four hundred million firearms in private hands, the rebels all somehow forgot to bring theirs. The lone jihadist who attacked yesterday killed as many or more of our Capitol's defenders as the revolutionaries managed on January 6. I am not saying the events of that day were not bad, but they in no way reached the level of an "insurrection".
Friday, April 2, 2021
Lo and Behold
On a Good Friday that is sacred to Christians with the Jewish Passover still going on, an adherent of the Nation of Islam attacked our Capitol. The early speculation by some that it was a Trump supporter staging more insurretion could not have been more wrong.
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Never Underestimate Champions
The idea that it is somehow shocking that UCLA is still alive in the tournament doesn't hold water. After all, the Bruins are not Podunk U, but the team that has more collegiate basketball crowns than any other. I am not saying they will beat Gonzaga, just that it should not be a surprise they made it this far.
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