Monday, September 30, 2019
A Little Wiser?
I am transitioning into my next year today- no, not the Caitlyn Jenner kind of transitioning- just another year older. I once enjoyed the certitude of youth, then saw I was as prone to error as anyone else. I once thought death would not catch up to me and took some risks that could have killed me. I was sure I was going to achieve great things, but have not in the half century plus of being here. I used to think I knew what tomorrow would offer. I now know how little I know and that I should be grateful for each new dawn. I am not glad the youth is gone, but am glad the arrogance that accompanied it has vanished.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
A Steaming Pile
The impeachment process the Democrats have embarked on is a farce, but carries with it incredible risk to the United States and more broadly, to world freedom. If Trump is taken down and a Democrat replaces him, will America's new leader stand by the people of Hong Kong? Do you think Iran will fear the new US leader and fly right or be emboldened to be even more aggressive? Do you think Putin will be afraid of Warren, Biden, Clinton, or Michelle Obama, or will Putin do whatever he wants knowing the US will not have the courage to confront him? Impeachment for no crime will unleash real crimes on the world like no one has ever seen.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Rushing to Defend?
Why are Republican politicians not rushing out to say not just "no" but "HELL NO" to impeachment? I am shocked, indeed even disgusted, that so few GOP politicians are stepping up to defend our President. When the guilty Bill Clinton got away with his crimes, virtually every public Democrat rose to his defense. Now, Trump's party is strangely hesitant to put their necks on the line beside the President's, even though it is obvious Trump has never committed a high crime or misdemeanor.
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Samson Election
Virtually every Democrat and some never-Trump Republicans are willing to see the edifice that is our nation torn down, just to see Trump not achieve reelection. These haters would gladly send the nation into recession, to cause Trump to lose. The problem with that is a recession would bring great upheaval and could turn into a depression, but the Trump-haters do not care.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Just Like Clinton?
The major difference between Bill Clinton and President Trump is that Clinton was GUILTY. President Trump has never sullied the Oval Office by having sex with an intern. Trump did not commit perjury. Trump did not create a "charitable" foundation to rake in millions and then use almost none of it on charity. Bill Clinton deserved his impeachment while Trump is facing it only because he won the Presidency.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Their Juvenalian Charade
The Democrats have just launched their farce of an impeachment against our President. They are not engaging in this effort because of anything that President Trump did. The Democrats are after Trump simply because he won.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Bitter Loser Romney
Those who can not reach the heights they strove for sometimes gain solace by trying to knock their betters off their pegs. Mitt Romney could not win the Presidency, so he is terribly envious of the man who did. Romney wishes he was a powerful and effective winner like Donald Trump.
Monday, September 23, 2019
My Favorite Recipe
What I enjoy most about cooking is letting someone else do it. I like to dine out and have people I am paying do all the preparation and the clean up as well. Everything tastes better when all I have to do is sit down and start chewing.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Thought for Food
When you are making a clam sauce for your pasta and reach for a bottle of sun-dried tomatoes, you will find yourself disappointed when someone has filled the jar with pickled ginger. Pickled ginger is great with sushi but leaves a lot to be desired in spaghetti sauce. I will not forget last night's dinner, but that does not mean I enjoyed it.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Other Southern Religion
My hometown of Nashville, Tennessee has justifiably been called the buckle of the Bible Belt. This is a very devout part of the world. You can travel all over the South right through Texas and throw Oklahoma in for good measure and you will find a lot of folks absolutely fanatical about their football. On Sunday morning, the pews are filled, but any day a game is played on the gridiron, just about every seat is filled, whether it be at a high school, a college, or a professional stadium.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Fortunes of Politics
Are you ever amazed how someone who is near broke manages to win public office and leaves office a millionaire? "Public service" apparently can be quite profitable. Heaven forbid, but there might even be a bit of graft involved with some of these public office holders who come in destitute and exit rich.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Sons of Marx
Every Democrat running for the US Presidency is a son (or daughter) of Karl Marx. Front-runner Joe Biden may not always have been so far left, but in this race, Old Joe has veered left to match all the other Democrat aspirants. There is no moderate Democrat in the race. Whoever ultimately faces Donald Trump will be a radical.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
An Election Stalemate
No party or individual emerged with a clear mandate from Israel's hotly contested election. Netanyahu may yet cobble together a coalition to remain in power. Then again, he might not.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Netanyahu Should Prevail
With Iran spreading tentacles of aggression toward Israel, the Jewish State needs continuity of leadership. Now more than ever, Israel needs Netanyahu.
Monday, September 16, 2019
War Is Inevitable
Iran is not backing down from aggression against its neighbors. President Trump offered to meet the Iranian leader at the United Nations in an attempt to stave off war, but Rouhani refused. The Islamic Republic has once again rebuffed peace overtures, proving Iran does not want peace. The world does not want war against Iran, but Iran wants war against the world.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Iran Pours Gasoline
The Houthis of Yemen can not on their own develop or deploy missiles or drones. Any advanced weaponry the Houthis use has been supplied by Iran. The Houthis are taking their marching orders from the mad mullahs of Tehran. The Houthis would not dare attack Saudi Arabia except at the behest of their masters in Iran. Saudi Arabia has shown great restraint after Iranian proxies have attacked again and again, but Saudi patience is wearing thin. Iran wants to dominate the Middle East. Powerful Iranians want to usher in End Times on earth. Iran is the country stoking conflict, not Saudi Arabia.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Why Briley Lost
My hometown of Nashville has a new mayor today because David Briley proposed selling off our municipal parking to a private entity. His plan would have diminished the number of available parking spaces and pushed up the price and that was really the last straw for voters.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Out With Incumbents
My hometown of Nashville threw the proverbial bums out last night. Every single incumbent lost in the Metro runoff election. I do not know what our new elected officials will do to us but do know that the departing representatives really wore out their welcome. Unfortunately, I am not sanguine that the new mayor and council will be better.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Censor, then Silence
Social media first censored conservatives. Then, they shadow-banned the right. Now, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are simply deplatforming those with whom the masters of the universe disagree. These folks can not compete against the right in the arena of ideas, so they shut down the side with the superior arguments.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Triumph Over Tragedy
Osama bin Laden thought he could defeat the United States. On September 11, 2001, bin Laden launched the worst ever attack on the USA. America stands strong and victorious as bin Laden burns in Hades. Al-Qaeda is in a shambles with most of the terrorists that surrounded bin Laden on that fateful day dead or in prison. The evil ideology behind the massacre must still be defeated but those behind the September 11 outrage have paid or are paying for their crime.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Bye Bye Bolton
John Bolton comports more with my values than anyone left in the Trump administration. I am sorry he has been forced out. He was an authentic conservative in an administration where that brand of conservatism is all too rare. Do you think Jared and Ivanka are cut from the same cloth as Reagan or are happy warriors for America's values around the world?
Monday, September 9, 2019
Flash That Virtue
Brad Paisley is doing a good deed. He is part of a group that wants to give food away to the less fortunate. Although it is reported on the web that he has a net worth of nearly one hundred million dollars, Paisley has asked for and received a grant of one and a half million dollars from the State of Tennessee. If Mr. Paisley is so committed to helping the poor, why does he need money from the state to do it? Why is Paisley calling on taxpayers way poorer than he is to subsidize his virtue-signalling? If Paisley thinks his project is so necessary, he certainly has the ability to pay for it himself.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Lunatics Are Us
Banning automobiles, air travel, consumption of beef, opening borders to anyone from anywhere, giving benefits including healthcare to foreigners who have just arrived here, and raising taxes massively on citizens is a real winning formula. The Democrat Presidential candidates want to do all this to our country and also want to throw away the support they have always received from Jews by siding with the fanatic mullahs of Iran over Israel. The radical agenda of the Democrats may sell in New York and California but with the votes from the heartland, where folks have common sense, Trump will win a massive reelection victory.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Absolve the Guilty
Those who blame guns for gun-crime are giving a pass to the people who commit terrible acts. I have never seen a gun stand up and shoot anyone. It takes a person to do that.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Punish the Righteous
Why would you reward the wicked by punishing the righteous? If some criminal or mental case goes off and murders innocent people, why would you want to strip the law-abiding of the means to defend themselves? "Gun-control" is absolutely illogical and opens the door to tyranny.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
We Cause Hurricanes?
Some folks are suggesting man has caused hurricanes. If we could cause hurricanes, then presumably we could stop hurricanes. Mankind can not stop hurricanes. It is hubris to suggest we can manipulate the weather or climate.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
The Winner's Symphony
In sport, victory is wonderful, but consistency of winning is the goal. How many teams are good one year and then fade into oblivion? The Chicago Bears looked like world beaters in 1986, but that team never managed another championship. The New England Patriots never looked as dominant as those Bears, but have won multiple titles and established themselves as the greatest ever pro football team.
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
The Loser's Serenade
Football at the University of Tennessee always used to contend for conference and even national titles. Today the Vols look like they should join the OVC where they would at least stand a chance of winning some games. My home state team is going to be pulverized in the SEC. Maybe, they should switch to NAIA. They would be guaranteed a winning season there.
Monday, September 2, 2019
Lawless Departing Mayor
My hometown of Nashville, Tennessee is about to replace our arch-leftist mayor with a slightly less leftist who will still raise our taxes. David Briley is still trying to suck up to illegal aliens. Perhaps, Briley does not know these interlopers are not allowed to vote (or worse, Briley may know these criminal aliens are actually voting). Briley's opponent, from the liberal Cooper family, is no conservative and certainly no Republican. Briley is demanding Metro government ignore Federal immigration law. Briley is favoring foreign lawbreakers over native Nashvillians. We do not need to give special rights to sneak-overs, We need to be protected from them.
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Category Five Monster
Hurricane Dorian has now strengthened into the most powerful and potentially deadly Category Five. This is no event to minimize. If you are in the path of this killer, evacuate! You may well suffer economic loss, but all that can be replaced. Your life can not be. Listen to authorities. If you stay when they say "flee", you may well be forfeiting your life.
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