Sunday, March 31, 2019
Evil New Deal
I do not lay the deficiencies of the Green New Deal off to stupidity. There is nothing idealistic in a scheme that would dispossess and starve millions. The backers of the Green New Deal are power-mad and evil.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Stinks Like Schiff
Only a fool relishes a whiff of Schiff. A lot of Democrats seem to like it though. I prefer the clean crisp aroma of a freshly exonerated Trump. If Congressman Schiff had the least bit of dignity, he would resign, but there is no danger that will ever happen.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Great Season Vols
The Tennessee Volunteer men's basketball team representing my home state just had its best season ever. The Purdue team advanced, perhaps with some help from the referees. Tennessee fought like champions. These Vols should always hold their heads high.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Syria Spills Over
The butcher Assad would like nothing better than to see the carnage he has inflicted on the Syrian people now be brought down on Israel. Israel will not permit Assad to spread the massacre into the Jewish State. If Israel targeted Aleppo, it was to stop Assad and his Iranian allies from further crimes against humanity.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
The Daily Peril
Jews leave Europe to make aliyah to Israel. In the Holy Land, these Jews come under threat of death by rocket, missile, or random terror and remain under this sword every day. Can you imagine how bad Europe has become again for Jews that living under this daily peril seems the safer option?
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The Double Standard
The faker in Chicago who could have sparked racial violence with his hoax has gotten away with it. This is not a miscarriage of justice. This is an abortion of justice half an hour after perfectly healthy baby justice was born, right after she suckled.
Monday, March 25, 2019
The "Accidental" Rockets
Rockets have been fired at Israel's civilian population by the Hamas terrorist group from the Gaza Strip. Hamas claims the attacks have been accidental. The IDF may now accidentally depose Hamas in Gaza and restore the Palestinian Authority to power there. Replacing genocidal Hamas with the Palestinian Authority is no bargain though because the Palestinian Authority also wants the Jews wiped off the face of the earth or at least driven out of Israel.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Down Goes May
I see no path for Theresa May surviving as Prime Minister. Her disastrous handling of Brexit has disqualified her to lead. May will in the end be considered one of the worst leaders the UK has ever had to endure.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
The Mueller Dud
After spending millions of tax-confiscated dollars to try to frame our President, Robert Mueller came up empty. Yes, he strong-armed some pleas to process crimes and convicted Manafort for crimes having nothing to do with President Trump, but he failed miserably in the mission all the anti-Trump crew wanted. Mueller did not bring down President Trump!
Friday, March 22, 2019
Victory Over Ennui
The college basketball tournament has somewhat enlivened otherwise moribund television. The enthusiasm of many players is real, as opposed to the professional game where some players seem to be going through the motions just to collect a check through much of the eighty-two game season that stretches far too long to keep my attention. Between the genuine competition of the college cagers and the ginning up of fake controversy on much of television, watching the basketball is a slam dunk choice.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
The Strangest Bedfellows
The Conway marriage could be a reality show. One of the staunchest supporters of Donald Trump in wedded purgatory with one of the people that hates the President the most sounds too far-fetched to be real.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Our Sacred Spaces
The Twin Towers and the Bataclan club are consecrated ground. Where innocent blood is spilled is our church, where those innocents who met their Maker are never forgotten. A place of unimaginable violence brings the sufferer right to the arms of the Lord.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Little More Equal
I notice almost no mainstream media attention is devoted to the murder of Christians and Jews. I assure you their lives are precious to them just as Muslim life is to adherents of Islam. When anyone is murdered for their faith, the world becomes a darker, more foreboding place. All humanity should hold innocent human life sacred.
Monday, March 18, 2019
Freedom from Fear
A congregation should not have to post armed guards. People should be able to pray without fear of being slaughtered. Jews have known this fear for centuries. No group should face a pogrom or a massacre because the apprehend God differently than others. There are too many martyrs already.
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Innocent Deserve Protection
Whether it is a baby in the womb or a worshipper in a church, mosque, or synagogue, innocent human life must be held precious. People going about their ordinary business should never be under the threat of murder. To those who cheer the murder of Israeli civilians or even IDF soldiers and are passing out candy to celebrate the butchery- you are no different than the psychopaths rooting on the shooter who gunned down the supplicants in the New Zealand mosques. Those who spill innocent blood have forfeited their freedom and those who murder should pay with their lives.
Saturday, March 16, 2019
World of Tears
Innocent people praying to the Creator were slaughtered. The gunman was either evil or a maniac or both. The murderer should face the harshest legal sanction. He should certainly never breath air as a free man again. May those who suffered loss be comforted by God.
Friday, March 15, 2019
Past Being Erased
When monuments are torn down in America, our history is blurred. Whether the actors in the bygone history were heroes or villains, if we eradicate the edifice on which our nation has been constructed, we will never know. The proper way to address the events of the past, great or terrible, is not to destroy that which commemorates them but to educate about them. If they were crimes, have people discerning enough to figure that out without knocking down statues.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Future for Sale
Certain people seem to have been able to pay others to take their college admissions tests. Others may buy a grade in a particular class. Later in life when these folks who bought their way in or up have to perform a task that they were supposed to be able to do, the test taker will not be there to take their place. They will be left to fail on their own, and that is as it should be.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
America's Great Failures
A political party that rewards sloth and indolence is an enemy of the people. In America, that is the Democrat Party.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
American Success Story
The great thing about the potential to grow rich in America is that it is virtually infinite. With the dynamic growth President Trump is unleashing, millions can make millions.
Monday, March 11, 2019
Socialist Success Story
How come so many socialist countries build walls or need guns to keep their populace from leaving? Venezuela is the triumph of socialism and the downfall of the Venezuelan people.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Third Party Dreams
I am not opposed in principal to a new third party. The Democrats have become socialist or worse. Many of the Republicans are spineless. Many Republicans do not support President Trump very much and are certainly not backing him the way Democrats stood up for Obama. If either of the major parties returned to their roots that venerated America from the founding and showed a little backbone, there would be no need for a third party. The GOP is closer but filled with weak sisters. The Democrats are a lost cause.
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Third Party Nightmares
A dark horse candidate outside the two major US parties will never win the Presidency. That candidate may very well siphon off enough votes to propel a candidate who would otherwise lose over the top to victory. Howard Schultz may very well hand President Trump victory if he runs as a Left independent. Schultz will earn my gratitude if he does that.
Friday, March 8, 2019
The Evil Party
Which major US political party holds abortion-on-demand as an article of faith? Which party also recently embraced and applauded infanticide? Are Democrats or Republicans more likely to favor euthanasia? Who is now vilifying Jews by accusing them of dual loyalties? Who is in favor of overturning capitalism, the most fair method of wealth distribution ever devised and the optimal engine of wealth creation? Which party wants to tax people even after they are dead? The answer to all these questions is of course the Democrat Party, as evil an institution as has ever darkened the United States!
Thursday, March 7, 2019
The Gotcha Squad
The cabal out to destroy President Trump will stop at nothing to bring him down and humiliate his supporters. They will manufacture criminal charges against our President, his family, and his inner circle. Very few people can afford the legal expense of contesting Federal indictments. Federal prosecutions almost always end in convictions or plea deals. Few people are acquitted and even those that are tend to end up bankrupt from their legal expenses. President Trump is not facing a possible prosecution but a very real persecution.
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Russia Trump Collusion
If Russia was expecting Donald Trump to take it easy with them, they must be disappointed. If Donald Trump colluded with Putin (which he did not), why is an arms race developing between the US and Russia the likes of which the world has not seen since the Cold War?
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Democrat Truth Squad
The one thing the DC Democrats are not interested in finding is the truth. They want to cover up any real collusion between Russians and the Clinton Team along with Obama and his cadres.
Monday, March 4, 2019
Will Trump Float?
In the Democrat witch hunt, I wonder if they will do the timeless test to see if our President floats? They are doing every other invasive and ridiculous probe, so why not that one?
Sunday, March 3, 2019
Democrat Fishing Expedition
If you ever had any dealings with Donald Trump, expect Democrats to come calling. These curious minds want to go back as far as possible to see if our President has any blemishes. This is not investigation. This is harassment and inquisition.
Saturday, March 2, 2019
Too Much Poverty
Material poverty is blessedly rare in America. Where we are terribly impoverished is in a lack of new thinking by Democrat and anti-Trump politicians who can not see beyond their hatred for our President.
Friday, March 1, 2019
Too Much Government
Government interference, whether through excessive regulation or even through subsidies and tax breaks, warps the market. One rule or boost from government creates a butterfly effect that may stifle job creation or even cause a business to close. You may attract one business with a sweetheart deal, but that may cause the closure of many other businesses. Markets can not find an equilibrium with the heavy hand of government fouling the scales.
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